Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Auto Insurance Online and You

What is uninsured motorist insurance and medical coverage and how do they affect you? Quite simply uninsured motorist insurance protection means in the event of a serious accident where the other party is not insured, your assets and property are covered. Why is this important? Much as we would like to think all drivers are law-abiding citizens, sadly this is not the case. Even in States, Colorado for instance, where coverage is mandatory a lapse in coverage due to a chance in employment status or other unfortunate occurrences can be disastrous. There are heavy fines and penalties attached to driving without auto insurance. It is estimated that 14% of all drivers have no auto insurance coverage (personally I think this percentage is lower than the actual figure). In the event you are in an accident with a driver that falls within that 14% and you are injured, the end result is that you will NOT be reimbursed unless you have uninsured/under insured motorist coverage. So it’s definitely important to recognize the importance of being proactive in protecting yourself as well as your assets.

Unlike medical coverage which deals specifically with personal injury, uninsured and under insured motorist coverage will compensate you for out-of-pocket expenses related to injuries as well as your pain and suffering. When you get down to it, no person has the same idea of what constitutes pain and suffering.
Read Full Story on Auto insurance online and you

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