Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Auto Insurance Online and You

What is uninsured motorist insurance and medical coverage and how do they affect you? Quite simply uninsured motorist insurance protection means in the event of a serious accident where the other party is not insured, your assets and property are covered. Why is this important? Much as we would like to think all drivers are law-abiding citizens, sadly this is not the case. Even in States, Colorado for instance, where coverage is mandatory a lapse in coverage due to a chance in employment status or other unfortunate occurrences can be disastrous. There are heavy fines and penalties attached to driving without auto insurance. It is estimated that 14% of all drivers have no auto insurance coverage (personally I think this percentage is lower than the actual figure). In the event you are in an accident with a driver that falls within that 14% and you are injured, the end result is that you will NOT be reimbursed unless you have uninsured/under insured motorist coverage. So it’s definitely important to recognize the importance of being proactive in protecting yourself as well as your assets.

Unlike medical coverage which deals specifically with personal injury, uninsured and under insured motorist coverage will compensate you for out-of-pocket expenses related to injuries as well as your pain and suffering. When you get down to it, no person has the same idea of what constitutes pain and suffering.
Read Full Story on Auto insurance online and you

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Facts on High Risk Auto Insurance

Is your driving record slightly (or seriously) marred, and now you’re having difficulty finding an auto insurance company that will cover you? For high risk drivers, auto insurance can turn into a nightmare of paperwork and expensive premiums that can make it seem as though the aggravation just isn’t worth it. Since driving without insurance can be the breaking point between keeping a license and losing it, however, the last thing you want if you have been classified as a high risk driver is to be caught without coverage. If you can’t find affordable coverage and you don’t want to be caught without it, what can you do?

What is High Risk?

Before we launch into a discussion on high risk auto insurance, let’s take a moment to discuss what it means to be a high risk driver. A high risk driver is one whose past driving record indicates that they’re more likely to have an accident in the future. Accidents mean claims on the part of the insurance company, and since that’s something they try to avoid as often as possible in order to keep their profit margin high those individuals that they’re likely to have to pay out a claim for are either denied coverage or classified as high risk.

A high risk classification from an auto insurance company can be given following an accident, multiple traffic infractions, a DUI/DWI conviction, or some other form of legal disciplinary action. It is also given to young drivers (drivers who have had their license for less than five years), older drivers and those with physical or mental disabilities. There are numerous other reasons that a driver may be considered high risk, but these tend to be the most common.

Would you Like to Know Facts about High Risk Auto Insurance?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes is Important

You are shopping for a nice couch and see an advertisement in the Sunday paper for one you really like. You select the fabric, plunk down your plastic and schedule a delivery date. On your way home, you see another furniture store and much to your horror discover that you could have saved nearly $400. What happened? You didn’t comparison shop. You selected and purchased the first thing you saw. Why do I use this analogy? To exemplify why comparing auto insurance quotes is important.

Whether your vehicle is brand new or has a few years upon it, we all want the same thing: good coverage. It can mean the difference between being sued or protecting our assets. A new car must maintain Collision and Comprehensive coverage. On an older model however, or where you have a poor driving record you may want to consider dropping them or not having them as part of your policy to obtain a cheaper premium

Compare Auto Insurance Quotes and Save Money

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Obtain Instant Auto Insurance Quotes Online?

We live in a society that is quite technologically advanced. We like instant gratification. Instant auto insurance quotes give us that I-want-it-all-I-want-it now satisfaction. Remember the days when you had to wait 24, 48 even 72 hours for someone to get back to you with a price quote? Those days are long gone. Now we have the convenience of one-stop shopping in a manner of speaking.

What are some things to keep in mind when obtaining an instant auto insurance quote? Credit score, driving history, insurance history, age, demographics and usage all play a significant role in our premium rates. The more you speed the more likely you are to be involved in an auto accident. That will close some doors to you for insurance coverage. With others it will hike up your premiums considerably.

Instant auto insurance quotes are like those interviews you go on where find out right on the spot you got the position and you walk out feeling on top of the world. It’s a good feeling to not have to wait and worry and wonder but to know unequivocally that you are appreciated and valued. It is the same concept with auto insurance quotes that are obtained instantly. Instead of the days spent sitting by the phone, the self-doubt, the anxiety in a matter of minutes you can find out how much, what it entails and make an informed decision just as easy as 1-2-3. What could possibly be better than speed and simplicity?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Get Free Colorado Car Insurance Quotes Online.

Colorado is a state with a diverse population and culture. This diversity is reflected in its car insurance companies as well. For every make and model of car available, there is an insurance which suits it perfectly.

By State Law, Colorado is considers the resident financially liable for any injury and damage caused by an auto accident. Liability protection is mandatory coverage. While you can go with minimum coverage, it is recommended that you obtain higher coverage unless you have no assets to protect. Medical payments, collision, comprehensive and under insured and uninsured motorist coverage are optional.

Your premium rate is determined by your make and model of car and its year, a clean or not so clean driving record, age and demographics. Other determining factors would be mileage, personal or work-related usage and your credit scores. Do not carry any more than you need to. If you have good quality medical coverage you should not require PIP (Personal Injury Protection). The medical coverage will encompass treatment of the automobile accident and will cover more services than the much more limited PIP coverage.

Read our Full Story on Get Free Colorado Car Insurance Quotes Online

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great deal on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for Teens

Do you need to find a way to get lower rates on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for your teen driver? Usually teen auto insurance is pretty high because teenagers are considered a high risk driving group. Parents don’t have to pay a fortune for their teen driver’s New Hampshire auto insurance though. Here are some easy ways that you can get lower rates for your teen driver:

Have your teen go to driving school – Lots of car insurance companies will lower their rates for a teen driver if that teen has gone to, and passed, driving school classes. Driving schools can be kind of expensive but not as expensive as teenage New Hampshire auto insurance rates so it’s a very good idea to enroll your teen driver in driving classes.

Getting good grades – Many car insurance companies also give discounted rates for teenagers that maintain a B or higher average in school. In theory, a good grade point average means that the teen is responsible and smart which are qualities that make a good driver. So if your teen has a good GPA ask your insurance company for a discount on your teen’s New Hampshire auto insurance.

Read our full article on Ways to get a great deal on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for Teens

Friday, August 1, 2008

How To Get Auto Insurance with bad driving record

Getting auto insurance is much easy if you know things about auto insurance, dealing with inner and outer of auto insurance can be a tricky if you are first time looking for a policy. More over if you have bad driving records and looking for auto insurance policy, its really tough job to search your desire one.

So if you have bad driving record? Don’t upset or spoil mood, there are several ways to save your money on your car insurance. Before I should inform about how to get online auto insurance with bad driving records, consider ways of improving your driving record such as being more cautious, obeying speed limits, follow traffic rules signs and signals and paying your bills on time

Reduce the amount of insurance you carry. This may sound simple, but consider driving a less expensive car where you don’t need to carry certain types of coverage, such as comprehensive (which covers your vehicle, and sometimes other vehicles you may be driving for losses resulting from incidents other than collision, such as fire and flood), and collision (which covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle or other object and pays to fix your vehicle). You can also decrease the amount of liability insurance you carry as long as you carry the minimum amount prescribed by your state law. However, beware of decreasing your amount of liability coverage if you own other assets, such as a home or business, as a serious accident could put those assets in jeopardy if damages exceed your liability coverage.

Other tips. High risk drivers should realize that most insurance companies will not hold your past against you forever. In fact, insurers may consider you a good risk with a two or three year record of having no points against you – and even sooner if you bring your credit rating from the red to the black. But don’t lie to insurer about your record when applying for insurance. Most insurers have sixty (60) days to investigate your background. If they find out you lied, they’ll cancel your policy immediately and you may have an even harder time getting insurance in the future.

Shop around. High risk drivers, more than anyone, should shop around for the best rates. When shopping for insurance, keep in mind that there are many insurance companies that specialize in high risk drivers. Unfortunately, many say that they will insure anyone, but they may not be able to save you money.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Factors affecting to auto insurance premiums

There many factors affecting to auto insurance premiums. Each is a statistically based risk for a specific population. If the persons is associated with higher risk the auto insurance premium rate would be higher. We have included some of the risk factors below.

Age: drivers under the age of 25 can be considered at greater risk of being in an accident. Drivers between the ages of 50 and 65 can have safest records.

Gender: women are statically safer drivers compare to men

Marital status: if a person has identical driving record and he/she married then he/she will pay less than single person.

Geography: where do you live? In which area you live, that can affects to your auto insurance premium. Folks living in areas with little or no traffic are likely to spend less on insurance than those living in congested cities or suburbs because areas with a lot of traffic tend to see more accidents.

Driving Violations: Having an accident or moving violations on your record (speeding tickets, DWI, reckless driving, etc.) put you at a higher risk for accidents and will likely mean a higher premium. Some insurance companies will penalize you for your record for as many as five years from when the incident occurred. However, keep in mind, as your record improves, your premium will get lower.

Vehicle type: insuring a cheap vehicle will cost less compare to status symbol vehicle.
Accidents claims: A driving record that is clean and free of accidents will hold far better for you than lots of tickets and/or accidents.

Credit rating: better credit rating score can save you on insurance premiums.

Occupation: insurance company correlate risk depends upon your occupation.

Education: higher education can save on your premiums

Driving distance to work
Miles driven each year
Years of driving experience
Business use of the vehicle
Whether or not you currently have auto insurance and how high are your limits
Theft protection devices (often results in discounts)
Multiple cars and drivers (another opportunity for discounts)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

best possible deal on your auto insurance

Are you looking for a great deal on your auto insurance? No, don’t worry; this isn’t another useless attempt by a nameless, faceless corporate insurer to get your business. This is an attempt to teach what you’re going to need to know when you step out into the insurance arena to make sure you get the best possible deal on your auto insurance.

How do you get free auto insurance quotes instantly from multiple companies, there are many options to get your desire auto insurance quotes, you could go from site to site to compare their rates, but that would just be big waste of your time? The most quick and easy way to save your time and money is to get a free auto insurance quote from reliable insurance company such as offers free auto insurance quotes and lets you compare the best rates of quotes. Save you time for more important things, we provide an online insurance marketplace where you can compare for auto insurance simply by requesting a free quote.

We can give you free insurance quotes for all states of USA. Just enter your zip code to get started in about 15 minutes you could be buying your policy and printing your insurance cards. It is that simply, compare the rates of auto insurance with other insurance company and save your money, in fact it doesn’t even matter where you live.

At you get a free auto insurance quote from multiple companies and in most states you can even buy your policy online. Since you now have all these choices and options with the coverage and the low rates, we have put together a large online auto insurance resource section to help you navigate through the insurance world.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Will My Auto Insurance Pay?

Auto insurance is one of the most important investments that a driver can make. Why? A properly insured driver can save thousands of dollars after they’ve been in an accident. There are many drivers, however, who don’t understand exactly what auto insurance does-and therefore, they choose not to buy any.

What does auto insurance pay for? The primary purpose of auto insurance is to help protect a driver that is involved in an accident for which they are at fault. In other words, an accident that they caused. This includes accidents caused by reckless driving in inclement weather, speeding, running a red light, a crash resulting from a vehicle malfunction…the list goes on and on. These kinds of accidents can result in thousands of dollars of damages to their vehicle, the other vehicle(s) and the public and personal property that may have been involved. Repairs in this case usually need to be made quickly, and most people don’t have this kind of money lying around.

Cheap Auto insurance will also help pay for the medical expenses of the other driver. Emergency room care following an accident can cost upwards of five hundred dollars, particularly if x-rays or MRIs are needed or bones need to be set and cast. Again, most drivers cannot afford to pay five hundred dollars of another person’s expenses. They usually have enough of their own! An auto insurance company will pay a portion of their expenses, the amount of which is determined by the driver when they purchase their policy.

When a driver purchases a policy they will also have the option to add comprehensive and collision insurance. Comprehensive insurance will pay for damages to the driver’s vehicle if it’s damaged as a result of a natural event-a flood, or a hurricane. Most people are not aware that their collision insurance doesn’t cover these events until it’s too late.

Collision insurance pays for the damages to the driver’s vehicle if they are responsible for an accident. Liability coverage will pay for the damages they cause, but they are going to be responsible for their own repairs. Collision will help pay for these repairs, and if the car needs to be totaled (meaning that the damages to the car are greater than the car’s estimated worth) the insurance company will reimburse the driver the full Blue Book Value of their vehicle. An auto insurance policy may also provide coverage for the rental of a vehicle, minimizing time lost as a result of a lack of a vehicle.

Finally, some auto insurance policies will provide a secondary medical and life insurance to provide for the driver’s medical bills, time lost from work and, in the event that an accident proves fatal, life insurance for the driver’s family. It may also include a condition which allows for a victim to receive in-home care if it proves to be necessary, a vital concern for drivers who may become disabled as the result of an accident but do not have adequate medical coverage.

Auto insurance is vitally important for drivers, preventing them from being forced onto the brink of bankruptcy following an accident. With the multitude of companies offering auto insurance around the globe, there should be no reason for any driver to continue driving uninsured.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

How Can you Get Free Insurance Quotes?

We all appreciate the word free, in fact we all like to receive things which are "free" like free gift voucher, free reports, free insurance quotes etc. but many a times things which are free don’t always mean the best bargains. There are some people who have the mind set of free are good no matter what the product or service may be. Giving away something that is not useful is rather pointless.

With the introduction of free insurance quotes you no longer have to pay fee and you can save your time and money, any way you are not going to kill your driving record or credit score in fact you can get free insurance quotes online and compare quotes of other insurance providers. If you were someone who buys something without comparing, you may feel sick to discover the amount of money you could save by looking at some of the competitors.

It’s very true that a competitive market is health for the consumer this means there is a certain amount of consistency in pricing. But certain companies have monopoly and they can charge whatever prices they want, the problems come when there is not much one cad do to regulate them.

Thanks to the internet with the keystrokes. We can compare prices for auto insurance in minutes. The benefit is we can ask for free auto insurance quotes at any time, day or night, it is simply a matter of convenience.

You must have certain information readily accessible when obtaining a free insurance quote. They would be as follows:

  • Make and Model

  • VIN

  • Color

  • Year

  • Your demographic information

  • Speeding violations

  • Continuous coverage or lapse in coverage

It is often preferable to obtain coverage from a mid-size to large insurance company simply because of the accessibility and customer service expectations. Exercising due diligence by utilizing a free insurance quote can mean the difference between being under insured and asset vulnerability and optimizing your liability coverage. Most of us don’t necessarily know what minimum and standard liabilities are for auto insurance in our state but having too little auto accident liability can mean judgments and legal cost headaches for years after the fact.

Why take unnecessary risks? Sure, going above minimum means that your premium costs go up – but it also means your protection goes up even more. Don’t go with cheap simply to save a few bucks. Do your research so you can make an informed decision about what protects your assets and financial resources the most. It will mean sleeping better at night knowing that if you are in a car accident, your assets and you’re loved ones resources protected.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

How can you Find The Best Online Auto Insurance Quotes

Finding online auto insurance quotes can be difficult, you may be too tired to look at what all the companies offer and how affordable they really are. You probably don't have the time to search around for the most popular companies available that offer online auto insurance quotes. One thing that most people don't realize is when an insurance company says they will save you money chances are they will save you money in one way but will charge a lot more in another way. You need to distinguish the difference and make your decision.

If you just entered the keywords online quotes it is really hard to say what your results would be about. One way to find the best online auto insurance quotes is to do a simple search using the keywords online auto insurance quotes so that you can get the relevant search results. When your search engine results come up for online auto insurance quotes you may notice that the list is probably pages long. The first ten companies that you can see would be the ones that were most popular and visited the most by consumers who want the same thing that you do.

There are several ways to modify the policy so you can get the plan that is the most suitable to you. It's important to note that your search to find the best online auto insurance quotes may be harder than you think. Especially when you need to sift through all the companies that do not offer what they put on the site. Most consumers certainly want the same thing when looking for the right coverage; a competitive rate and the right coverage for them. Insurance is an expense that you need to figure into your budget but at the same time the coverage can save you thousands of dollars if you are ever in an accident and need to use it.

You need to know what type of comprehensive coverage you can expect from your policy as well as any deductibles you may have. You can ask how you can customize your policy to make it more for you and your family. Don't be afraid to ask any questions when you are trying to find the best online auto insurance quotes. Last, but certainly not least, ask what discounts you qualify for. Some of the more common discounts are

Multi-vehicle discount: You may save a lot of money over the year when you add more vehicles to your policy. This type of discount will be available to you if you have more than one vehicle listed on your policy.

Safe driver discount: This discount is one of the best ones. You get rewarded for driving carefully. This means that you cannot have any tickets or accidents in the last few months in order to qualify. Vehicle safety features: This can include front and side airbags, anti-lock brakes, anti-lock devices to prevent your vehicle from being stolen and more.

You may be able to see a substantial discount if you are able to use all of these factors in order to reduce your premium payments. When you do your online auto insurance quotes you should be able to see these discounts

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Types of auto insurance coverage

Types of auto insurance coverage includes collision, liability, deductible, waiver, bodily injury, comprehensive and last but not the least property damage. Do you think all these are mandatory coverage? No, not really, few of this coverage is mandatory not all.

Let’s understand the each coverage in brief.

Liability coverage: In auto insurance or vehicle insurance liability coverage is most important coverage. Many times in accidents there will be damages to the persons who is driving the car, damages can be there for the property or the car. Liability coverage covers these accidents. It the persons found responsible for the fault or damages, he will be saved if he had liability coverage. Many states made this coverage mandatory for car insurance. There are two types of liability coverage first is the injury to the individual and the other one is the coverage for the property damage.

Injury coverage: The insurance company needs to pay medical expense to the injured person along with the salaries that he or she supposed to have.
For the property damage coverage, the insurance company will have to pay for the amount of full reconstructing of the property and other related expenditure.

Collision coverage: This insurance coverage will pay the money to repair the damages caused to the car of the individual. If you pick this coverage you will be asked to choose a deductible, be careful while picking your preference in choosing this coverage.

Comprehensive Coverage: Once you chose comprehensive coverage, you can get replacement for your damaged or stolen car. It is meant to cover the repairs to your car too.

When choosing an insurance policy for cars, it’s a great idea to think over the liability, comprehensive, and collision coverage. In that manner, you can have protection for your car in the near future.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

What to consider when looking for affordable auto insurance quotes

There are many options available online when you decide to go for auto insurance but did you know that there are several things that you may not realize that can determine the price you pay for insurance? You should look for the factors like where you live, what you drive, your personal driving record and more. Take a help from insurance agent of know insurance company, he can guide you further, when you call for a quote the insurance agent will ask you for personal information to help and determine whether you qualify for insurance through their company. If you are accepted then auto insurance quote will give you a sample of what you can except if you decided to go with that company.

Don’t look for the price offered by insurance company; you also want an insurance company that is financially sound and one that has been in business for a number of years. Insuring you vehicle is a big expense and because of that you want to make sure that you are getting the right deal that will ultimately protect you and your family, many insurance company gives prices of auto insurance quotes for one month, a quarter, six month or one year, if possible ask for a monthly quote so you can adjust your budget.

Once you have all your auto insurance quotes and you need to make a decision you need to consider several factors to help make your choice easier.

  • Look for the liability coverage first. This is the one that you will rely on the most.

  • Choose from the options that are offered. Each company offers something different in order to stay competitive in the insurance industry.

  • Decide which one you can afford the most. Your offers may all sound great but in the upcoming months you want to make sure that you can still afford your policy.

  • Upgrade or downgrade your policy at any time. This is just one of the many choices you have as a policy holder. You want to be able to change your policy as your needs change in the future.

While obtaining online auto insurance quotes make sure you think about deductibles, keep in mind, a higher deductible will lower your premium payments which can save you money. A deductible will state to the insurance company that for a lower premium payment you agree to pay more if you are in an accident. Thousands of people go almost all of their life without ever using their insurance policy at all.

Make sure that you are completely satisfied with the policy and you understand all the information included in the auto insurance quotes before you purchase anything. Make sure you have the option to pay your premiums online or over the phone to save you time and money.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Great Deal On Auto Insurance

Are you looking for a great deal on your auto insurance? This is an attempt to teach what you’re going to need to know when you step out into the insurance arena to make sure you get the best possible deal on your auto insurance. Let your fingers do the searching. Remember that you always have the yellow pages to help you. Great advice if you are looking for auto insurance. Look around and do it once a year.

Below are some suggestions to guide you in getting the best deal that are available on your insurance policy. Insurance agents have a lot of flexibility, they can offer many discounts and they can cost match.

There are also a lot of decisions you can make about the policy that can save you a lot of money. Example, if you want to change your deductible on your collision from 50 dollars deductible to 1000 dollars, you are inline for a big premium savings. If you do not think you can come up with 1000 dollars out of pocket then switch it to a 5000 dollar deductible; you will still save a big amount of money on your premium payment.

You can also get much more savings if you change comprehensive deductibles. A lot of people carry full coverage on their old cars. They originally bought the car new, paid the full coverage and up to this day, keep paying the same elevated rates.

A ten year old car may be worth a thousand bucks or less, but they continue to pay 250 dollars to 450 dollars twice a year to keep a full coverage on their car. However, if they do have an accident and totaled their car, the insurance company will have to pay them with the whole price of the car.

The amount that they could get is less than 1000 dollars. An old car needs an insurance that will protect the individual in case of a tragedy. One more way of saving money is to combine your cars and other insurance altogether to make you additional savings.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Good or Bad—Your Credit Affects Your Auto Insurance

“Do you know what your credit score is?” Perhaps you have heard or read phrases like this from a company telling you how important it is to check your credit score. But why is your credit score important? Your credit score affects your ability to rent an apartment, get a loan, buy a car; it even impacts your car insurance rates. Car insurance companies have found a direct correlation between a person’s credit score and the likelihood of filing a claim. Insurance companies use what’s called an “insurance score,” which is a numerical ranking based on a person’s credit history.

Good or Bad—Your Credit Affects Your Auto Insurance
Many people might be unaware about how their insurance score affects their car insurance rates.
Some consumers are disturbed by the fact that, when applying for insurance, one insurer will reject an application based on an applicant’s insurance score, yet another company will find it acceptable. This underscores the importance of shopping around for car insurance.

What is a Good Credit Score?
A good score is typically above 760 and a bad score is below 600. Many people have no idea they are beneficiaries of insurance scoring. Insurers say more than 50% of policyholders have a lower premium because of good credit.

How to Maintain a Good Credit Record
Pay Your Bills on Time: Pay all of your bills on time. Late payments and delinquent accounts can have a major negative impact on credit scores, as well as give creditors the right to increase your interest rates. Your goal should be to build a long history of reliable bill paying behavior.

Only Carry a Few Credit Cards: Limit yourself to a maximum of three or four cards and keep your balances low. Use no more than 30% of your available credit at any given time and try to pay off your balance in full whenever possible. If you decide to crack down on your credit card usage by cutting up a credit card, go ahead and do it. However, don’t close the account as this will raise your balance-to-credit-limit ratio, and can have a negative impact on your credit score.

Check Your Credit Report Annually: Look for errors and correct them as soon as possible. By law, you are entitled to one free credit report from each of the three reporting agencies once a year. You can request your free annual credit report from the only online authorized website, or by calling the toll free number 1-877-322-8228. Also, if you apply for credit and are turned down, you have a right to request a free credit report from the agency used by the creditor. If you would like additional information regarding credit scores, or would like to purchase your own FICO® credit score used by most lenders, visit

Make sure you keep your credit under control. Since car insurance providers use your credit score differently, make sure you compare multiple car insurance quotes when buying your policy.

Source: Insurance Information Institute (

Friday, April 18, 2008

Slash Your Auto Insurance Costs

Does your auto insurance costs going higher than you expectation? If your answer is yes then simply follow 6 steps to slash your auto insurance costs.

In the global world of insurance field every one wants to have good deal at slash price, here’s 6 easy ways to get the best possible auto insurance deal.

  1. Get multiple auto insurance quotes: Before going to purchase always make a practice to do comparison with the other options available in the market, use sources such as internet or call few brokers to compare quotes. Get different types of auto insurance quotes from insurance carriers, brokers and from agents, always look for secure and reputable insurance company who can pay good auto insurance claim.

  2. Different type of car: The cost of insurance depending upon the car type you prefer. Generally the $100 sports model cost higher than your average model, so if you thinking to buy a new car check the insurance cost before you purchase it.

  3. Car age and Value: The value of your car may be lower as the car model will become older and if you are using car since long time.

    A good rule of thumb multiplies insurance premium by 10, and compares that figure with your car value. So if you're quoted $1000 premium and your car is worth less than $10,000 you may want to think if comprehensive represents good value. If you drop collision and/or comprehensive coverage, you should get big savings.

  4. Excess charges: To keep policy cost down most of the auto insurance companies keep excess charges, deductibles charges shows what you pay before your auto insurance policy kicks in, request quotes from different level of excess charges.

  5. Low Mileage: More and more people work at home. No more commuting. Fewer business trips. Low mileage on your car. Maybe you do travel to work, but car pool? Either way, look for low mileage discounts.

  6. Good Driving Record: A good driving record always reduces your auto insurance costs. Keep a clean drivers license. Don't speed, don't drive dangerously, and you'll save money (apart from other benefits!)

Find The Most Affordable Auto Insurance Quotes

There are many shopping options when looking for auto insurance, many companies offer variety of auto insurance policy with maximum coverage, but the question is will it be a beneficial to you and your vehicle? There should be little trouble finding an affordable auto insurance quotes

Before you buy an auto insurance policy, know the basic facts-and don’t be afraid to ask your sales representative to explain anything you may not understand. Your auto insurance may well be the best investment you make in a month, so it is vitally important that you get the policy that’s going to work for you.

I would do following steps before shopping any auto insurance policy

Compare auto insurance quotes: shop online to compare multiple companies and rates at once that will help me to save money and time.

Contact local insurance agent: The best way to find a good agent is by asking for recommendations from people you know. You may want to look for an independent agent who can explain coverage and give you quotes from several companies.

I can purchase insurance from a company that sells directly to consumers rather than through agents.

Shopping around will help you find the policy that’s right for you, Remember that your profile will be a good fit for some companies but possibly not for others. This can result in quite a big variance in rate quotes.

Compare premiums offered by various companies and look for high customer service standards and financial strength, Resources for researching insurance companies include state insurance bureaus and consumer reference guides can help a lot, The ability to pay a claim promptly will be important if you're ever involved in an accident.

Finally, you should ask about discounts. An insurer may also offer you a discount if you have a safe driving record or have completed a driver's education course. You may benefit from multi-car and/or multi-driver discounts. You may receive a multiple policy discount if you buying auto insurance coverage through the same insurer that covers your homeowners or renters insurance.

Take the time to compare multiple companies and rates to make the decision that’s right for you.