Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Auto Insurance Online and You

What is uninsured motorist insurance and medical coverage and how do they affect you? Quite simply uninsured motorist insurance protection means in the event of a serious accident where the other party is not insured, your assets and property are covered. Why is this important? Much as we would like to think all drivers are law-abiding citizens, sadly this is not the case. Even in States, Colorado for instance, where coverage is mandatory a lapse in coverage due to a chance in employment status or other unfortunate occurrences can be disastrous. There are heavy fines and penalties attached to driving without auto insurance. It is estimated that 14% of all drivers have no auto insurance coverage (personally I think this percentage is lower than the actual figure). In the event you are in an accident with a driver that falls within that 14% and you are injured, the end result is that you will NOT be reimbursed unless you have uninsured/under insured motorist coverage. So it’s definitely important to recognize the importance of being proactive in protecting yourself as well as your assets.

Unlike medical coverage which deals specifically with personal injury, uninsured and under insured motorist coverage will compensate you for out-of-pocket expenses related to injuries as well as your pain and suffering. When you get down to it, no person has the same idea of what constitutes pain and suffering.
Read Full Story on Auto insurance online and you

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Facts on High Risk Auto Insurance

Is your driving record slightly (or seriously) marred, and now you’re having difficulty finding an auto insurance company that will cover you? For high risk drivers, auto insurance can turn into a nightmare of paperwork and expensive premiums that can make it seem as though the aggravation just isn’t worth it. Since driving without insurance can be the breaking point between keeping a license and losing it, however, the last thing you want if you have been classified as a high risk driver is to be caught without coverage. If you can’t find affordable coverage and you don’t want to be caught without it, what can you do?

What is High Risk?

Before we launch into a discussion on high risk auto insurance, let’s take a moment to discuss what it means to be a high risk driver. A high risk driver is one whose past driving record indicates that they’re more likely to have an accident in the future. Accidents mean claims on the part of the insurance company, and since that’s something they try to avoid as often as possible in order to keep their profit margin high those individuals that they’re likely to have to pay out a claim for are either denied coverage or classified as high risk.

A high risk classification from an auto insurance company can be given following an accident, multiple traffic infractions, a DUI/DWI conviction, or some other form of legal disciplinary action. It is also given to young drivers (drivers who have had their license for less than five years), older drivers and those with physical or mental disabilities. There are numerous other reasons that a driver may be considered high risk, but these tend to be the most common.

Would you Like to Know Facts about High Risk Auto Insurance?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Why Comparing Auto Insurance Quotes is Important

You are shopping for a nice couch and see an advertisement in the Sunday paper for one you really like. You select the fabric, plunk down your plastic and schedule a delivery date. On your way home, you see another furniture store and much to your horror discover that you could have saved nearly $400. What happened? You didn’t comparison shop. You selected and purchased the first thing you saw. Why do I use this analogy? To exemplify why comparing auto insurance quotes is important.

Whether your vehicle is brand new or has a few years upon it, we all want the same thing: good coverage. It can mean the difference between being sued or protecting our assets. A new car must maintain Collision and Comprehensive coverage. On an older model however, or where you have a poor driving record you may want to consider dropping them or not having them as part of your policy to obtain a cheaper premium

Compare Auto Insurance Quotes and Save Money

Monday, October 27, 2008

How to Obtain Instant Auto Insurance Quotes Online?

We live in a society that is quite technologically advanced. We like instant gratification. Instant auto insurance quotes give us that I-want-it-all-I-want-it now satisfaction. Remember the days when you had to wait 24, 48 even 72 hours for someone to get back to you with a price quote? Those days are long gone. Now we have the convenience of one-stop shopping in a manner of speaking.

What are some things to keep in mind when obtaining an instant auto insurance quote? Credit score, driving history, insurance history, age, demographics and usage all play a significant role in our premium rates. The more you speed the more likely you are to be involved in an auto accident. That will close some doors to you for insurance coverage. With others it will hike up your premiums considerably.

Instant auto insurance quotes are like those interviews you go on where find out right on the spot you got the position and you walk out feeling on top of the world. It’s a good feeling to not have to wait and worry and wonder but to know unequivocally that you are appreciated and valued. It is the same concept with auto insurance quotes that are obtained instantly. Instead of the days spent sitting by the phone, the self-doubt, the anxiety in a matter of minutes you can find out how much, what it entails and make an informed decision just as easy as 1-2-3. What could possibly be better than speed and simplicity?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Get Free Colorado Car Insurance Quotes Online.

Colorado is a state with a diverse population and culture. This diversity is reflected in its car insurance companies as well. For every make and model of car available, there is an insurance which suits it perfectly.

By State Law, Colorado is considers the resident financially liable for any injury and damage caused by an auto accident. Liability protection is mandatory coverage. While you can go with minimum coverage, it is recommended that you obtain higher coverage unless you have no assets to protect. Medical payments, collision, comprehensive and under insured and uninsured motorist coverage are optional.

Your premium rate is determined by your make and model of car and its year, a clean or not so clean driving record, age and demographics. Other determining factors would be mileage, personal or work-related usage and your credit scores. Do not carry any more than you need to. If you have good quality medical coverage you should not require PIP (Personal Injury Protection). The medical coverage will encompass treatment of the automobile accident and will cover more services than the much more limited PIP coverage.

Read our Full Story on Get Free Colorado Car Insurance Quotes Online

Monday, October 13, 2008

Great deal on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for Teens

Do you need to find a way to get lower rates on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for your teen driver? Usually teen auto insurance is pretty high because teenagers are considered a high risk driving group. Parents don’t have to pay a fortune for their teen driver’s New Hampshire auto insurance though. Here are some easy ways that you can get lower rates for your teen driver:

Have your teen go to driving school – Lots of car insurance companies will lower their rates for a teen driver if that teen has gone to, and passed, driving school classes. Driving schools can be kind of expensive but not as expensive as teenage New Hampshire auto insurance rates so it’s a very good idea to enroll your teen driver in driving classes.

Getting good grades – Many car insurance companies also give discounted rates for teenagers that maintain a B or higher average in school. In theory, a good grade point average means that the teen is responsible and smart which are qualities that make a good driver. So if your teen has a good GPA ask your insurance company for a discount on your teen’s New Hampshire auto insurance.

Read our full article on Ways to get a great deal on New Hampshire Auto Insurance for Teens

Friday, August 1, 2008

How To Get Auto Insurance with bad driving record

Getting auto insurance is much easy if you know things about auto insurance, dealing with inner and outer of auto insurance can be a tricky if you are first time looking for a policy. More over if you have bad driving records and looking for auto insurance policy, its really tough job to search your desire one.

So if you have bad driving record? Don’t upset or spoil mood, there are several ways to save your money on your car insurance. Before I should inform about how to get online auto insurance with bad driving records, consider ways of improving your driving record such as being more cautious, obeying speed limits, follow traffic rules signs and signals and paying your bills on time

Reduce the amount of insurance you carry. This may sound simple, but consider driving a less expensive car where you don’t need to carry certain types of coverage, such as comprehensive (which covers your vehicle, and sometimes other vehicles you may be driving for losses resulting from incidents other than collision, such as fire and flood), and collision (which covers damage to your car when your car hits, or is hit by, another vehicle or other object and pays to fix your vehicle). You can also decrease the amount of liability insurance you carry as long as you carry the minimum amount prescribed by your state law. However, beware of decreasing your amount of liability coverage if you own other assets, such as a home or business, as a serious accident could put those assets in jeopardy if damages exceed your liability coverage.

Other tips. High risk drivers should realize that most insurance companies will not hold your past against you forever. In fact, insurers may consider you a good risk with a two or three year record of having no points against you – and even sooner if you bring your credit rating from the red to the black. But don’t lie to insurer about your record when applying for insurance. Most insurers have sixty (60) days to investigate your background. If they find out you lied, they’ll cancel your policy immediately and you may have an even harder time getting insurance in the future.

Shop around. High risk drivers, more than anyone, should shop around for the best rates. When shopping for insurance, keep in mind that there are many insurance companies that specialize in high risk drivers. Unfortunately, many say that they will insure anyone, but they may not be able to save you money.