Thursday, July 24, 2008

Factors affecting to auto insurance premiums

There many factors affecting to auto insurance premiums. Each is a statistically based risk for a specific population. If the persons is associated with higher risk the auto insurance premium rate would be higher. We have included some of the risk factors below.

Age: drivers under the age of 25 can be considered at greater risk of being in an accident. Drivers between the ages of 50 and 65 can have safest records.

Gender: women are statically safer drivers compare to men

Marital status: if a person has identical driving record and he/she married then he/she will pay less than single person.

Geography: where do you live? In which area you live, that can affects to your auto insurance premium. Folks living in areas with little or no traffic are likely to spend less on insurance than those living in congested cities or suburbs because areas with a lot of traffic tend to see more accidents.

Driving Violations: Having an accident or moving violations on your record (speeding tickets, DWI, reckless driving, etc.) put you at a higher risk for accidents and will likely mean a higher premium. Some insurance companies will penalize you for your record for as many as five years from when the incident occurred. However, keep in mind, as your record improves, your premium will get lower.

Vehicle type: insuring a cheap vehicle will cost less compare to status symbol vehicle.
Accidents claims: A driving record that is clean and free of accidents will hold far better for you than lots of tickets and/or accidents.

Credit rating: better credit rating score can save you on insurance premiums.

Occupation: insurance company correlate risk depends upon your occupation.

Education: higher education can save on your premiums

Driving distance to work
Miles driven each year
Years of driving experience
Business use of the vehicle
Whether or not you currently have auto insurance and how high are your limits
Theft protection devices (often results in discounts)
Multiple cars and drivers (another opportunity for discounts)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

best possible deal on your auto insurance

Are you looking for a great deal on your auto insurance? No, don’t worry; this isn’t another useless attempt by a nameless, faceless corporate insurer to get your business. This is an attempt to teach what you’re going to need to know when you step out into the insurance arena to make sure you get the best possible deal on your auto insurance.

How do you get free auto insurance quotes instantly from multiple companies, there are many options to get your desire auto insurance quotes, you could go from site to site to compare their rates, but that would just be big waste of your time? The most quick and easy way to save your time and money is to get a free auto insurance quote from reliable insurance company such as offers free auto insurance quotes and lets you compare the best rates of quotes. Save you time for more important things, we provide an online insurance marketplace where you can compare for auto insurance simply by requesting a free quote.

We can give you free insurance quotes for all states of USA. Just enter your zip code to get started in about 15 minutes you could be buying your policy and printing your insurance cards. It is that simply, compare the rates of auto insurance with other insurance company and save your money, in fact it doesn’t even matter where you live.

At you get a free auto insurance quote from multiple companies and in most states you can even buy your policy online. Since you now have all these choices and options with the coverage and the low rates, we have put together a large online auto insurance resource section to help you navigate through the insurance world.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

What Will My Auto Insurance Pay?

Auto insurance is one of the most important investments that a driver can make. Why? A properly insured driver can save thousands of dollars after they’ve been in an accident. There are many drivers, however, who don’t understand exactly what auto insurance does-and therefore, they choose not to buy any.

What does auto insurance pay for? The primary purpose of auto insurance is to help protect a driver that is involved in an accident for which they are at fault. In other words, an accident that they caused. This includes accidents caused by reckless driving in inclement weather, speeding, running a red light, a crash resulting from a vehicle malfunction…the list goes on and on. These kinds of accidents can result in thousands of dollars of damages to their vehicle, the other vehicle(s) and the public and personal property that may have been involved. Repairs in this case usually need to be made quickly, and most people don’t have this kind of money lying around.

Cheap Auto insurance will also help pay for the medical expenses of the other driver. Emergency room care following an accident can cost upwards of five hundred dollars, particularly if x-rays or MRIs are needed or bones need to be set and cast. Again, most drivers cannot afford to pay five hundred dollars of another person’s expenses. They usually have enough of their own! An auto insurance company will pay a portion of their expenses, the amount of which is determined by the driver when they purchase their policy.

When a driver purchases a policy they will also have the option to add comprehensive and collision insurance. Comprehensive insurance will pay for damages to the driver’s vehicle if it’s damaged as a result of a natural event-a flood, or a hurricane. Most people are not aware that their collision insurance doesn’t cover these events until it’s too late.

Collision insurance pays for the damages to the driver’s vehicle if they are responsible for an accident. Liability coverage will pay for the damages they cause, but they are going to be responsible for their own repairs. Collision will help pay for these repairs, and if the car needs to be totaled (meaning that the damages to the car are greater than the car’s estimated worth) the insurance company will reimburse the driver the full Blue Book Value of their vehicle. An auto insurance policy may also provide coverage for the rental of a vehicle, minimizing time lost as a result of a lack of a vehicle.

Finally, some auto insurance policies will provide a secondary medical and life insurance to provide for the driver’s medical bills, time lost from work and, in the event that an accident proves fatal, life insurance for the driver’s family. It may also include a condition which allows for a victim to receive in-home care if it proves to be necessary, a vital concern for drivers who may become disabled as the result of an accident but do not have adequate medical coverage.

Auto insurance is vitally important for drivers, preventing them from being forced onto the brink of bankruptcy following an accident. With the multitude of companies offering auto insurance around the globe, there should be no reason for any driver to continue driving uninsured.